Are you planning a trip from New York to Minneapolis? Look no further! We offer a wide range of low fares for your flight from JFK to MSP at We're going to guide you on this journey, recommend the most popular sights of Minneapolis and give you vital information that will make your trip a memorable one. Let's go on a glorious adventure now!

New York to Minneapolis Flight Deals:

At, we understand the importance of finding the best airfare for your journey. The lowest airfare for a New York to Minneapolis flight starts from $224.96, with an average airfare of $523.21. Please note that these prices may fluctuate, so it's advisable to book your flight when you have a confirmed date and time for your trip.

The Big Apple to the Mini Apple:

New York, which is often referred to as the Big Apple, is known for its lively streets, famous skylines, and vibrant culture. On the other hand, Minneapolis is known as "The Mini Apple" because of its blend of urban beauty and nature's charm. Thanks to the numerous flights from JFK to MSP, it's easy to get in and out of both cities.

Exploring Minneapolis:

There's a lot to see and do when you get to Minneapolis. Known for its beautiful lakes, parks, and cultural landmarks, Minneapolis offers something for everyone.

  • The Mall of America: This huge shopping complex has hundreds of shops, amusement parks, aquariums and countless restaurant options right near MSP.
  • Minnehaha Park: It's a great place to relax or picnic, just home to the magnificent Minnehaha Falls.
  • Walker Art Centre: The Walker Art Center, which features contemporary art exhibits and an internationally recognized sculpture garden in Minneapolis, is a great place for art lovers.
  • Chain of lakes: There are many fun things to do in this chain of lakes, such as boating, fishing and beautiful bike paths if you like the outdoors.

Food and Culture:

There's a wide variety of food in Minneapolis. There is something to satisfy all tastes, from farmtotable restaurants to culinary destinations. Try local favorites such as the Juicy Lucy cheese burger, a cheese stuffed burger and various craft beers from many breweries in this city.

There is also a rich cultural scene in the town, with theatre and music venues as well as festivals taking place all year. In particular, the Guthrie Theatre is renowned for its world class production.

Let's Explore Some Must Visit Attractions:

Guthrie Theatre: Guthrie Theatre is located in the heart of Minneapolis, offering Broadwayquality productions and has been called one of America's most important theater cities. You'll be immersed in the world of the arts, and you'll be able to enjoy fascinating performances with a seating capacity of around 850 people.

Stone Arch Bridge:  Experience the historic Stone Arch Bridge, offering a panoramic view of the Mississippi River, on a leisurely walking tour. This bridge was built in 1880 to connect the rail line with Union depots, and is an icon of this town. Take great photographs and take a look at the rich history that Minneapolis offers.

Foshay Tower:  Marvel at the stunning Foshay Tower, one of Minneapolis' iconic skyscrapers. It was one of the first skyscrapers to exceed Minneapolis City Hall's height, which immediately made it recognizable. On the observation deck, you can admire its unique architecture and be taken on a view of the city skyline.

Weisman Art Museum:  The Weisman Art Museum, designed by renowned architect Frank Gehry, is located on the University of Minnesota campus. Take a look at an extensive collection of works of art dating back 5,000 years and representing six continents. A glimpse of the world of art and culture is offered by this very special museum.

Minneapolis Institute of Art:  Immerse yourself in the Minneapolis Institute of Art, where more than 90 000 works are on display. The museum offers a journey through time and culture, from across six continents. In the museum, you can also find many shops to enjoy a fun shopping experience.


Let be your travel companion, whether you're going for a leisurely flight from JFK to MSP or embarking on some kind of business venture. We're aiming to provide you with a memorable journey from New York to Minneapolis, thanks to our affordable prices and global customer service. In this charming town, explore the lively sights, embrace the cultural diversity, and create lasting memories. Now is the time to book your flight and embark on a journey of a lifetime.